Take off from your local airport and arrive to a full day tour vineyards including: Caprio Cellars, Smokey Rose, Abeja, and Echolands.
Have dinner at Hattaways on Alder.
Fly back after dinner and bring your newly acquired wine with you.
Take one day to play a round of golf at Wine Valley Golf Course and then the next day visiting Amavi Cellars, Ducleux Cellars, Saviah Cellars, and Valdemar Estates. Dinner at Hattaways on Alder. Overnight at Courtyard Marriott.
Fly from your local airport and directly to Walla Walla.
Caprio Cellars
Smokey Rose
Wine Valley Gold Resort
Wine Valley Gold Resort
Valdemar Estates
Hattaway's on Alder
Echolands Winery
Echolands Winery
Abeja Winery & Inn
Abeja Winery & Inn
Abeja Winery & Inn
Wine Valley Golf Resort
Smokey Rose
Hattaway's on Alder
Saviah Cellars
Valdemar Estates
Caprio Cellars